adapter pushes too many parameters

Christian Thalinger Christian.Thalinger at Sun.COM
Wed Sep 16 03:38:09 PDT 2009

John Rose wrote:
> On Sep 16, 2009, at 3:13 AM, Christian Thalinger wrote:
>> I just wanted to write a testcase with an invokedynamic that takes 6
>> arguments, like:
>>  sum += InvokeDynamic.<int>unknown(i, i, i, i, i, i);
>> and I get:
>>  java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: bad adapter
>> (conversion=0xfffab300): adapter pushes too many parameters
> I don't see why that expression must create an adapter that pushes  
> lots of parameters.  It must be created by your bootstrap method?

I forgot to mention that the call site is a GWT.

>> Increasing the MethodHandlePushLimit results in:
>>  java.lang.InternalError: too many bound parameters
> There's a limit on interpreter stack expansion in the current  
> implementation, MHPL.  The rationale is that we don't want to push too  
> many extra arguments without running through a method entry, with its  
> associated stack overflow check.
> However, this might be overcautious.  Even if you were to insert the  
> maximum number (255 arguments) that probably would not render the next  
> overflow check invalid.  You might try commenting out the check, if  
> it's keeping you from other work.
> But, I think increasing the MHPL should allow the additional number of  
> bound params to be pushed.  So that final error looks like a plain bug.

I will try to comment it out.

-- Christian

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