instruction timings / optimization ?

Emmanuel Castro emmanuel.castro at
Sat Sep 19 11:00:35 PDT 2009

Is there a not too complicated way to get the x86 (or other processor)
instructions produced by the JVM?

Maybe there is a link to some Wiki explaining that?

2009/9/19 Charles Oliver Nutter <headius at>

> On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 4:52 PM, James Ladd <james_ladd at>
> wrote:
> > 1. Is there a document that details each VM instruction and the time it
> > takes in cycles on
> >     a particular architecture?
> I don't think it's possible to accurately measure this information.
> The JVM bytecode is essentially an intermediate representation that
> the JVM takes and optimizes when compiling to native code. The cycles
> a given instruction takes will have little relation to the actual
> native code generated.
> > 2. Would anyone else find this information useful ?
> If it were possible to determine, yes :) But it's not.
> - Charlie
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