Hotswap patch?

Thomas Wuerthinger thomas.wuerthinger at
Tue Sep 22 21:24:08 PDT 2009

Patrick Wright wrote:
 > Thomas--is any special flag required to enable this when launching the
 > JVM if I build MLVM with your changeset in it? Also, I assume that if
 > classes are redefined we will eventually run into the standard
 > problems of PermGen limits on loaded classes?

No, there is no special flag required to enable my hotswap code. When 
you apply the changeset to jdk7-b51, you swap the current hotswapping 
implementation with my version.

Yes, with frequent use of hotswapping the problem of a limited PermGen 
arises. Especially as currently the old classes are still kept in the 
system. A fix for this might be to remove old classes from the system if 
none of their methods are active or reachable from active methods (and 
this is true for all of their subclasses).

- thomas

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