EG mailings

John Rose John.Rose at Sun.COM
Thu Sep 24 13:16:00 PDT 2009

On Sep 24, 2009, at 7:50 AM, Daniel Heidinga wrote:

> Yes, it is very unfortunate we were unable to attend the JVM  
> Languages Summit.

We missed you greatly!  Every major Java vendor except IBM was there.

> It's great that significant progress was made during the f2f  
> sessions, but we think there are still loose ends as there are  
> implicit details missing.

I will shortly post the notes from those sessions (Friday night's very  
long dinner).

> Let's use the EG list to drive those through to a successful  
> conclusion.

Yes.  The present EG list distribution, though, is inconveniently  
closed.  As EG chair I'm supposed to redirect selected messages to the  
observer list, but that's ridiculously hit-or-miss.  The mail needs to  
be automatic, since I personally am not automatic by nature.

I understand we can't move to OpenJDK because it's not IP-neutral.   
Shall we move instead to Doug Lea's email server, which has no  
licensing at all?  That way people can monitor our deliberations.   
I'll bet Doug would welcome us, and he already hosts some JCP lists.

-- John

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