applying patches doesn't seem to work

John Rose John.Rose at Sun.COM
Wed Sep 30 12:42:16 PDT 2009

Maybe some of the build instructions are unclear.  Check the README  
file, in the section on "Patch Guards".  Currently, we guard patches  
by Mercurial revision hashes (look inside the series files).  This is  
intended to prevent the problem you are (probably) running into, of  
applying patches to the wrong micro-version of the main source code.

Inside the series file we keep the exact base revision for the  
patches, expressed as a guard.  To meet the requirements of the  
version guard, you'll need to do "hg checkout" to that version.

Here some relevant description from the README:

> Each patch must have one or more positive guards.  At last one guard  
> must be a twelve-digit hexadecimal mercurial revision hash, such as  
> "7836be3e92d0".  If a patch is guarded by such a revision, it is  
> guaranteed to apply, without rejects, to that particular OpenJDK  
> build, and to build successfully.
> Other tags may be present, especially tags of OpenJDK builds, such  
> as "jdk7-b25".  As it happens, "7836be3e92d0" and "jdk7-b25" refer  
> to the same revision in the hotspot repository.  These symbolic tags  
> are informational and approximate, and (being less accurate than  
> hashes) do not guarantee clean application of patches.

"At last" is a typo for "At least".

-- John

On Sep 30, 2009, at 12:55 AM, alan yung wrote:

> Actually, I didn't apply the patches correctly.
> Now when I tried to apply the patches, it shows many error messages,  
> but it did apply (at least) some patches successfully.
> My question is, do the patches apply successfully in current head  
> revision?

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