JSRs, JDKs, and coroutines

Charles Oliver Nutter headius at headius.com
Tue Apr 6 20:29:57 PDT 2010

Ok, I'll broach the question: What would it take to get coroutines
into JDK7? Is it too late? Does it just need someone to lead a JSR?

Of all the features in Ruby 1.8.7 and 1.9, the one that scares me the
most is inbuilt coroutine support. We've so far managed to simulate
them ok with threads, but as Lucas's post showed, we fall way behind
on message-passing performance. And this says nothing about the cost
of spinning up full native threads for short-lived coroutines while
trying to guarantee their lifecycles don't root objects longer than
they should.

So, what's the situation?

- Charlie

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