JRuby with coroutines

John Rose john.r.rose at oracle.com
Wed Apr 7 13:13:22 PDT 2010

On Apr 7, 2010, at 10:55 AM, Charles Oliver Nutter wrote:

>> what I'd like to say is "if you want to apply coro.patch then
>> you need to exclude all other patches".
>> I suppose there's a simpler way to do that?

If you use only the single guard +coro you should get that effect.

Drop the other "standard" guards like "testable", the base revision hashcode, etc.

Try "hg qguard --help" and "hg qselect --help" for info (very terse) about guards.

> That's quite acceptable. I don't think most of the separate MLVM
> projects can be co-applied yet anyway. We just want your coroutine
> stuff so badly we're willing to have a build without indy (the
> horror!) to get it :)

Go for it!  It is a patch garden, not a patch tower.

-- John

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