Enhanced HotSwapping
Thomas Wuerthinger
thomas.wuerthinger at gmail.com
Fri Dec 17 09:56:06 PST 2010
The source code for the HotSpot version that allows enhanced hotswapping
(e.g., add and remove methods, fields, and super types) was just updated
in the mlvm repository. There exists now also a light version of the
modifications "hotswaplight.patch" that minimizes the difference to the
current OpenJDK source code by omitting some of the more advanced
features (e.g., method forwarding, calling deleted old methods,
transformer methods). The enhanced VM passes all tests of Oracle's class
redefinition test suite and comes with unit tests for the new features.
There are binary builds available from "http://ssw.jku.at/dcevm" for
Mac, Linux, and Windows. So, feel free to install a VM with the new
hotswapping capabilities on your machine and test them using your
favorite Java IDE.
- thomas
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