hg: mlvm/mlvm/jdk: coro: experimental coroutine thread migration and serialization

Lukas Stadler lukas.stadler at jku.at
Thu Dec 23 07:09:21 PST 2010

Maybe I should say a few words about what I did...
First of all I changed a few details of how the coroutine stacks are 
walked during gc, which should make the coroutine code more reliable.

Other than that, there are three new methods in CoroutineSupport:
* public boolean stealCoroutine(CoroutineBase coroutine)
This method can be used to "steal" a coroutine from another thread. It 
seemed the most natural to me that the thread that the coroutine should 
be transferred to initiates the transfer, that way a thread that is idle 
can "steal" a coroutine. (this took a little inspiration from the 
fork/join framework...)
The transfer can fail for a number of reasons, e.g. if the coroutine is 
currently running or if the current thread already owns the coroutine.
"stupid" things like trying to steal from the current thread will throw 
an exception, otherwise the success is reported as the boolean return value.

* public CoroutineFrame[] serializeCoroutine(CoroutineBase coroutine)
Returns the java frames of the specified coroutine as an array of 
CoroutineFrame. This is a rough prototype of how this should work, the 
returned frames include frames that an application should not be able to 

for (CoroutineFrame frame: 

* public void replaceCoroutine(CoroutineBase coroutine, CoroutineFrame[] 
Replaces the given coroutine's contents with the given frames. There is 
no checking of the given stackframes whatsoever!

The serialization/deserialization could be used to replace an 
interpreter loop with a compiled method, kind of Java-OSR - that would 
be neat...


On 21.12.2010 17:18, lukas.stadler at jku.at wrote:
> Changeset: b7b61c41e164
> Author:    Lukas Stadler<lukas.stadler at jku.at>
> Date:      2010-12-21 17:18 +0100
> URL:       http://hg.openjdk.java.net/mlvm/mlvm/jdk/rev/b7b61c41e164
> coro: experimental coroutine thread migration and serialization
> ! coro.patch
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