Status of Anno Class loader with constant patches?

Rémi Forax forax at
Mon Dec 27 02:53:13 PST 2010

On 12/26/2010 08:33 PM, Mark Roos wrote:
> We are working on a port of Smalltalk to the MLVM.  For this we were 
> thinking of using the
> constant patch feature of the anonymous class loader in java.dyn.anon 
> to create constant pool
> entries with instances of our Smalltalk types.
> Is this feature expected to continue? If so in which package will it 
> be located in the JDK7
> release?
> If not then I assume that we have to hold these constants as static 
> fields and create an initializer.
> Any other suggestions?
> thanks for all of the good work
> mark roos

Hi Mark,
the anonymous classloader is a Hotspot specific feature,
jdk classes are in package sun.dyn.anon

Also to enable it, you need to use this flag:

This patch was not touched since a long time, so you may espect some 
as far as I remember, it only works with host class that is null.

I really hope to that the JSR 292 expert group will standardize this API
during the JDK8 timeframe.


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