bug in gaming with MLVM

Rémi Forax forax at univ-mlv.fr
Tue Jan 26 01:45:02 PST 2010

Le 26/01/2010 09:46, Daniel Latrémolière a écrit :
> When trying MLVM, I have make the following test as in attachment 
> "Test.java".
> I have compiled and runned it three times (cf. "cmd.log") with bad 
> expected behaviour (only partial loop, not running up to 100000), and 
> one time with a crash (cf. "hs_err_pid1008.log").
> Are these problems already known bugs?
> Thank you very much,
> Daniel.
> Attachments:
> - Test.java
> - cmd.log
> - hs_err_pid1008.log

In fact, you use jdk7 b80 and not mlvm build.
I am able to reproduce it on linux with client VM.

The server VM doesn't exhibit the same crash.

Christian and John,
I've also noticed that the code written should not compile,
invoking a method handle with invoke() can throw any throwable
and it seems that javac patch to require to catch/throws Throwable
was not pushed to jdk7 main workspace.

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