more from yesterday

Fredrik Öhrström fredrik.ohrstrom at
Thu Jan 28 10:56:03 PST 2010

Thread local garbage collection is a JRockit bleeding edge feature that 
allow separate threads in a Java server to have their own heap. There is 
of course also a global heap to which shared objects are relocated to. 
One important benefit is that these heaps can be garbage collected 
independently from each other. If a gc is triggered in a local heap 
after a few transactions, then theoretically no transaction will be 
paused half way through because of a garbage collect. It is relevant for 
large servers with many cores and for businesses with very strict 
requirements on response times for transactions.

It is not a new idea, in fact Erlang has had it for a long time. However 
Erlang only exchanges symbols between threads, it is much more difficult 
to implement within Java where references are shared between threads.


Patrick Wright wrote:
> Hi John
> Thanks for sharing this.
> What, exactly, is "Thread Local, Server Class Garbage Collection"?
> Thanks
> Patrick
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