Oracle/Sun and the JVM

Charles Oliver Nutter headius at
Fri Jan 29 17:48:14 PST 2010

On Sat, Jan 30, 2010 at 12:55 AM, Stepan Koltsov <yozh at> wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 13:15, Francis ANDRE
> <francis.andre.kampbell at> wrote:
>> So may be Oracle will allow/understand the necessity to have packed/zoned
>> decimal as first class data type like integers as well as extended bytecode
>> instructions for managing them....
> I hope that they understand the need of structs/value types and unsafe
> memory operations, not just decimals hacks.

Me too. My top JVM language feature requests lately are (not including
indy, which is well on its way):

1. Interface Injection (I have started to explore what it would take
to remove IRubyObject from all our call paths; it's a *lot* of work)
2. Fixnums (or even better, general-purpose value types...on numeric
algorithms, JRuby is saturating allocation rates right now)
3. Coroutines (ideally without requiring me to annotate every frame
that can be resumed, since in Ruby or Python that could basically be
any method anywhere)

I'd also like to see tail calls, but it doesn't directly help me.

- Charlie

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