Bug in findSpecial?

Howard Lovatt howard.lovatt at gmail.com
Fri Jun 18 00:52:09 PDT 2010

In the following code:

public class Price extends CostCalculator {
  /* Written by PEC! */ static {
    final MethodHandles.Lookup l = MethodHandles.lookup();
    MethodHandle mh;
    mh = l.findSpecial( Price.class, "cost", MethodType.methodType(
double.class, Price.class, Book.class ), Price.class );
    System.out.println(" Price cost type = "+mh.type());
    CostCalculatorDispatcher.register( mh );
    mh = l.findSpecial( Price.class, "cost", MethodType.methodType(
double.class, Price.class, CD.class ), Price.class );
    System.out.println(" Price cost type = "+mh.type());
    CostCalculatorDispatcher.register( mh );

  @MultipleDispatch public double cost( final Price notUsed, final
Book b ) { return b.getPrice(); }

  @MultipleDispatch public double cost( final Price notUsed, final CD
c ) { return c.getPrice(); }

The findSpecial methods find methods, the printlns give:

 Price cost type =
 Price cost type =

Note the double Price argument. I think the findSpecials should throw

Is this a bug?

  -- Howard.

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