method handles and call sites listed as part of Java SE 6 Update 18?!

Rémi Forax forax at
Wed Mar 17 08:07:13 PDT 2010

Le 17/03/2010 15:13, Tobias Ivarsson a écrit :
> On Wed, Mar 17, 2010 at 12:47 PM, Attila Szegedi <szegedia at 
> <mailto:szegedia at>> wrote:
>     On 2010.03.17., at 12:06, Christian Thalinger wrote:
>     > On Wed, 2010-03-17 at 11:54 +0100, Attila Szegedi wrote:
>     >> Folks,
>     >>
>     >> just noticed something strange. Java SE 6 Update 18 Release
>     Notes at <> list
>     the following issues as being fixed for that release:
>     >>
>     >> 6655638      hotspot         compiler2       dynamic languages
>     need method handles
>     >> 6655646      hotspot         compiler2       dynamic languages
>     need dynamically linked call sites
>     >>
>     >> What does this mean? Certainly it doesn't mean we suddenly got
>     invokedynamic JVM support in Java 6, does it?
>     >
>     > No.  As the release notes say:
>     >
>     > "6u18 includes version 16.0 of the Java HotSpot Virtual Machine."
>     >
>     > HotSpot Express is shipped with JDK 6 and 7 and that's why HotSpot
>     > contains JSR 292 code.  But the JDK does not.
>     Actually, that was exactly what I asked - I worded it carefully to
>     say "JVM", not "JRE". So, the HotSpot JVM in there does ship with
>     the JSR-292 bits, it's just that none of the java.dyn.* classes
>     are in rt.jar, so the functionality is essentially dormant as
>     there's no API entry point.
>     Hm... how long before someone gets an idea? :-)
> Ooo... that gives me an idea ;-)
> I'm pretty sure everyone on this list also got this idea: putting a 
> jar containing the java.dyn stuff on the bootclasspath should give us 
> invokedynamic support...
> I haven't tried it, there might be other issues preventing it, I just 
> couldn't resist the "how long before someone gets an idea?" trap you 
> set...
> /Tobias

Don't forget to set some flags when starting the VM :)

-server -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+EnableInvokeDynamic

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