JSR 292 RI status & javadoc checkpoint

John Rose John.Rose at Sun.COM
Thu Mar 25 03:29:59 PDT 2010

The JSR 292 EG has been working with me to refine and clarify the spec for invokedynamic.  I have pushed updates to the RI to reflect this ongoing work.  For the record, here is javadoc for the current state of the RI:


The presentation and logic of the javadoc is not perfect.  Please do send me your suggestions for improvement!

Here are some holes in the implementation that I know about and will fix soon:

- translation from signatures to method types sometimes fails on classes not on the boot class path

- java.dyn.MethodHandle inherits from a type MethodHandleImpl that needs to go away

- adapter method handles cannot be built for some signatures, including those for which primitives precede references

- MH.invokeGeneric behaves the same as MH.invokeExact (oops: it is supposed to be more permissive)

Best wishes,
-- John

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