Duby dynamic dispatch has landed!

Charles Oliver Nutter headius at headius.com
Thu Mar 25 10:33:22 PDT 2010

On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 3:16 AM, Attila Szegedi <szegedia at gmail.com> wrote:
> That's odd. "arguments" is Object[]; spreadArguments is required to unpack these arguments and pass them on to the invoked method.
> The dynalang-invoke's own test suites fail quite massively when I make the change, and work without the change (well, sans a bunch of TestSimpleDynamicMethod#testVarArgs...() tests which fail due to a MLVM bug, but that's in unrelated code for vararg method handling). I do only have my last august's version of MLVM though; I might need to re-run the tests with a new MLVM, although, honestly, I'd be surprised if that changed anything since to me, the logic seems okay.

FWIW, here's the error I was getting. I haven't dug into it much other
than to remove spreadArguments:

MethodHandleImpl.java:1104:in `raiseException':
java.lang.ClassCastException: required class [Ljava.lang.Object; but
encountered class java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableRandomAccessList
	from MethodHandle.java:357:in `invokeVarargs'
	from MethodHandles.java:563:in `invoke'
	from DynamicLinkerImpl.java:120:in `_relinkAndInvoke'
	from FilterGeneric.java:520:in `invoke_C0'
	from dynamic.duby:3:in `foo'

If you want to give it a shot you just need a JRuby snapshot build
(ci.jruby.org/snapshots), BiteScript (github.com/headius/bitescript),
and Duby (github.com/headius.duby). I committed my patched
dynalang-invoke jar in Duby's javalib dir. javac
src/org/jruby/duby/DynalangBootstrap.java and run jruby bin/duby <file
or -e> with appropriate JAVA_OPTS for invokedynamic.

Speaking of that...I was surprised there's no baseline bootstrap
method built into dynalang/invoke. It was a trivial amount of code to
write, but I can imagine a lot of simple uses of dynalang/invoke will
just want to use the standard multimethod Java dispatch directly. If I
put together a patch to include my DynalangBootstrap.java, will you
accept it? (or maybe I have commit rights and I don't know it?)

P.S. Switch to git :)

- Charlie

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