Duby dynamic dispatch has landed!

Charles Oliver Nutter headius at headius.com
Thu Mar 25 12:25:18 PDT 2010

On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 12:56 PM, Attila Szegedi <szegedia at gmail.com> wrote:
> I did give tips for usage in DynamicLinker javadoc; the simplest you can get is:
> public class MyLanguageRuntime {
>    private static final DynamicLinker dynamicLinker = new DynamicLinkerFactory().createLinker();
>    public static CallSite bootstrap(Object caller, String name, MethodType type) {
>        RelinkableCallSite callSite = new MonomorphicCallSite(caller, name, type);
>        dynamicLinker.link(callSite);
>        return callSite;
>    }
> }
> and then every class just does:
> public class MyClass {
>    static {
>        Linkage.registerBootstrapMethod(MyLanguageRuntime.class, "bootstrap");
>    }
>    ...
> }

Yep, that's exactly what I wanted. But I think it would be nice to
have a JavaLanguageLinker built-in so that I don't have to maintain
*any* Java code of my own. This is literally all I need, and I don't
think I'll be alone.

>> P.S. Switch to git :)
> I will; I certainly have the intent. I do have an account on github, I created it to fork Syrinx last year to integrate it with MOP :-) I'm still learning it (Git, that is). As I lamented elsewhere: first I encountered CVS[*]. By the time I mastered CVS, Subversion comes along. By the time I decently learned Subversion, I need Mercurial (for MLVM). By the time I grasp enough Mercurial to check out OpenJDK and apply MLVM patches, cool kids go Git. It's hard keeping up with the version control system fashion... :-)
> What (if any) IDE integration do you use with Git?

I've used CVS, SVN, SS, Hg, Git, Perforce (a little) and Clearcase (a
little). Git has just about the worst learning curve for cli
interaction, but it's structured better than any other I've used.

IDE support, unfortunately, lags enough that I don't use it. I have
use the nbgit plugin, which is pretty good. I'm pretty sure IDEA has
great integration as usual, and I've heard Eclipse is pretty good. I
just use command-line, raw git.

- Charlie

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