jvm lang summit in July?

John Rose john.r.rose at oracle.com
Mon May 10 17:41:39 PDT 2010

On May 10, 2010, at 7:17 AM, Jochen Theodorou wrote:

> No reaction to this yet. The registration page has a link for the 2010 
> summit, but it points still to the 2009 version.

The date is real (July 26-28).  We pulled the date earlier this year because we don't want to overlap with JavaOne (in September, this year).

Sorry about the stale web page.  The web server won't deliver my new content. :-(  Working on it.  (Yes, I've already heard the "network is the computer" jokes.)

The registration site is open for speakers only at present.  As in previous years, we're getting the speakers signed up first.  Remember, there are only about 80 seats in the whole room, so a large percentage of attendees are speakers.

I'm proud to announce that one speaker will be Doug Lea.  I expect we can make some more progress on figuring out this multi-core revolution we're in.

-- John

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