Mac OS X build available from 2010 05 28
John Rose
john.r.rose at
Mon May 31 18:29:56 PDT 2010
On May 31, 2010, at 4:34 PM, Stephen Bannasch wrote:
> At 12:41 PM -0500 5/31/10, Charles Oliver Nutter wrote:
>> I'll make a shameless request, since you have a build env set up and
>> I've been too lazy to refresh mine: can you post a fastdebug build
>> too? I needz me opto assemblyz!
> Remind me (or point me to the info) about how to make a fastdebug build.
I think you can set SKIP_FASTDEBUG_BUILD=true on the original make command line (at the end of
It might also work to set "export SKIP_FASTDEBUG_BUILD=true" in the shell.
You can also chdir into the build directory and build and test the JVM incrementally:
$ cd $DAVINCI/sources
$ export JAVA_BUILD=$(cd build/bsd-i586/j2sdk-image; pwd -P)
$ cd build/bsd-i586/hotspot/outputdir/bsd_i486_compiler2/fastdebug
$ make
$ alias gamma='JAVA_HOME=$JAVA_BUILD DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./gamma'
$ gamma Queens #etc.
> I also need to learn how to easily move backwards in the mlvm patch repo because the tip didn't build for me yesterday (patch conflicts).
The "hg qpush" command manipulates the applied patch set.
$ cd $DAVINCI/sources/hotspot
$ hg qpop -a # pop all
$ hg qpush meth-ldc-6939203.patch # push to that point
$ hg qpop # pop one back
Sorry about the mismatched patches. I did a bunch of pushing to hotspot-comp last week and didn't clean up properly. Will fix shortly.
-- John
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