MethodHandles for Kawa and other functional languages?
Per Bothner
per at
Sun Oct 10 16:38:18 PDT 2010
On 10/10/2010 02:20 PM, Rémi Forax wrote:
> Le 10/10/2010 20:08, Per Bothner a écrit :
>> So we've determined that to make use of 292 Kawa should keep its
>> abstract gnu.mapping.Procedure class, but add a new method:
>> MethodHandle asMethodHandle()
>> I mis-concluded that the compiler should therefore generate code
>> to call asMethodHandle() and then the MethdHandle#invoke method.
>> However, that doesn't seem like the right way to do it.
> Why ?
An example I was considering was:
(define (twice f x)
(f (f x)))
My initial thought was to compile this as:
public static Object (Procedure f, Object x) {
MethodHandle f$mh = f.asMethodHandle();
return f$mh.invoke(f$mh.invoke(x));
But this is (presumbly) just using regular method calls,
without any invokedynamoc or special VM magic or callsite specification,
so it wouldn't get the real performance benefit. To do that
I should generate actual invokedynamic instructions, along
with a suitable CallSite handler, correct?
[More on the rest of your response after I've studied it.]
--Per Bothner
per at
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