Tail call optimization in Java JDK 8?

none provided davincivm.mailinglist at gmail.com
Tue Oct 12 12:24:53 PDT 2010

  On 10/5/10 3:59 PM, Tarek Chammah wrote:
> Hi ::
> Under current plans, the current dev efforts will be split off into
> two separate releases.  This will benefit features that are already
> mature for release next year and but allow for currently planned as
> well as new ("++") features to be ready for JDK 8.
> One particular feature I was thinking of under the ++ column is
> support for tail call optimization.  This particular Da Vinci
> sub-project is apparently not fully engineered and spec'ed at the
> moment.  But I was thinking with the recent rearrangement of the
> releases, if it could be developed for the JDK 8 release?
> Sincerely,
> ~Tarek!
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Is manpower needed for the TCO design or implementation effort? I'm 
willing to volunteer some time for either, although my design skills are 
probably not at good as my implementation skills.

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