FYI: pending integrations

John Rose john.r.rose at
Sun Sep 5 00:23:50 PDT 2010

(There are more to come, also.  -- John)

Begin forwarded message:

From: John Rose <john.r.rose at>
Date: September 5, 2010 12:04:31 AM PDT
To: hotspot compiler <hotspot-compiler-dev at>
Subject: Request for review (S): 6953246: JSR 292 should support SAM conversion

One important API point in MethodHandles:  A SAM constructor for method handles.

Begin forwarded message:

From: John Rose <john.r.rose at>
Date: September 5, 2010 12:01:49 AM PDT
To: hotspot compiler <hotspot-compiler-dev at>
Subject: Request for review (M): 6980096: JSR 292 reflective lookup should throw checked exceptions

This one changes method handle lookups to throw checked exceptions:

-- John

Begin forwarded message:

From: John Rose <john.r.rose at>
Date: September 5, 2010 12:00:14 AM PDT
To: hotspot compiler <hotspot-compiler-dev at>
Subject: Re: Request for review (L): 6964498: JSR 292 invokedynamic sites need local bootstrap methods

Over the next week or two I am pushing a series of JDK changes for the JSR 292 API.  Like previous changes, many are coordinated with JVM changes.  Some are purely Java changes.

The JVM changes for 6964498 were pushed 7 weeks ago.  Here are the associated JDK changes:

There are other changes mixed with this, and more to come also.

-- John

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