JavaOne meet-up?

Rémi Forax forax at
Fri Sep 24 06:23:12 PDT 2010

  Le 24/09/2010 13:16, Christian Thalinger a écrit :
> On Thu, 2010-09-23 at 17:57 -0500, Charles Oliver Nutter wrote:
>> Sorry, I missed this! We've not really been hanging out at JavaOne
>> because of the total logistical failure of having talks spread across
>> several hotels and rescheduling and/or moving most of them the week
>> before the event. I'm really hoping that I can get back to indy stuff
>> in JRuby soon...I guess I've been waiting on ASM, since what I have
>> now still sort-of works and the next step will be to update all the
>> way to the newest stuff.
>> I'm also looking to explore whether it's possible to get equivalent
>> performance out of Remi's backport if we totally control the code
>> generation and classloading logic (i.e. the way JRuby works right
>> now). We would move straight to indy for everything if that's
>> possible, which would make it a lot more compelling (I'd *love* to
>> just delete all the crap we have to do right now).
> That sounds good.  Any time-frame when you get to do it?  I'd like to
> use JRuby again as testing kit for our latest changes.

Charles, I've added a way to totally avoid reflection in latest revision 
of the backport
(not in a release yet). This should be an equivalent to your stubs but
generated at runtime. So now, even if you don't use the agent at runtime
your should have correct performance (I hope).

Christian, you can also test with PHP.reboot
tests are here:

The runtime also provides an ahead of time compiler that generates 
bytecode classes:
   bin/ -aot test/testfibo.phpr

I'm also currently working on the next release of ASM (4.0) but
I've trouble to find spare time.

> -- Christian


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