missing meth-7011865.patch referenced from the hotspot series

Stephen Bannasch stephen.bannasch at deanbrook.org
Mon Apr 4 13:58:14 PDT 2011

While working on fixing my mlvm build I just noticed this error in the console:

   + (cd sources/hotspot; hg qpush -a)
   applying bsd.patch
   applying meth-7011865.patch
   unable to read meth-7011865.patch
   now at: bsd.patch
   *** Exit status 1.

The hotspot/series references it:

   # pushed to jdk7/hotspot-comp; will be deleted when they get to bsd-port:
   meth-7011865.patch              #-/meth #+557195360a74

but it isn't in the patches/hotspot repo:

   $ find hotspot/ -name '*7011865*' -print

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