Rémi's ASM 4.0 RC1
Rémi Forax
forax at univ-mlv.fr
Thu Apr 21 12:49:39 PDT 2011
On 04/21/2011 09:59 AM, Mark Roos wrote:
> Thanks for the update ( even if the class names are not orthogonal to
> invoke dynamic)
> Two questions on usage
> In your blog you used MH_GETSTATIC to access the bootstrap. Did you
> mean to use MH_INVOKESTATIC ?
Yes !
> I would like to use a bootstrap signature of: ( no trailing arguments)
> * static*ConstantCallSite
> bootStrapConstant(MethodHandles.Lookup callerLookup, String template,
> MethodType type)
> But I can't figure out how to invoke that in ASM. My current code is:
> bsmType =
> java.lang.invoke.MethodType./methodType/(ConstantCallSite.*class*,
> Lookup.*class*, String.*class*, java.lang.invoke.MethodType.*class*,
> Object.*class*);;
> mv.visitInvokeDynamicInsn( bsmName, "()Lri/core/rtalk/RtObject;",
> * new*MethodHandle(Opcodes./MH_INVOKESTATIC/,
> "ri/core/rtalk/RtCallSite",
> "bootStrapConstant",
> bsmType.toMethodDescriptorString()),
> (Object[]) *new*String[1]);
> How would I change it for the above bootstrap?
Your bsmType declare a boostrap argument, the last parameter is an Object.
so bsmType should be:
bsmType =
Lookup.*class*, String.*class*, java.lang.invoke.MethodType.*class*);
Now, the formal parameter corresponding to the boostrap arguments
in visitInvokeDynamicInsn is declared Object... , the elipsis/variadic
'...' accept 0 or more
arguments separated by a comma.
So you can write:
mv.visitInvokeDynamicInsn( bsmName, "()Lri/core/rtalk/RtObject;",
* new*MethodHandle(Opcodes./MH_INVOKESTATIC/,
By the way, I know how to recognize a Caml guy that write Java code,
take a look to the last characters of your first line of code. ;;)
> thanks much
> mark
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