Assembly output from JRuby 'fib'

Christian Thalinger christian.thalinger at
Wed Apr 27 01:31:09 PDT 2011

On Apr 27, 2011, at 5:54 AM, Charles Oliver Nutter wrote:
> I prepared this for someone else, but I thought folks here might be
> interested in it too.
> This gist contains hotspot x86 (32-bit) assembly output for JRuby's
> dynopt mode and invokedynamic (on a couple-week-old OS X OpenJDK
> build). I haven't spent a lot of time investigating.
> One thing I did notice is that MaxRecursiveInlineLevel appears to be 1
> by default normally. I played with bumping it up but performance
> degraded no matter what combination of flags I used.

When I fixed:

7022998: JSR 292 recursive method handle calls inline themselves infinitely

I noticed that bench_tak.rb is faster with MaxRecursiveInlineLevel=0 but I can't think of anything we could do about that.

> A related question: what would it take to get the hsdis plugin
> included with openjdk proper all the time? It would be nice if
> PrintAssembly worked out of the box on all Java 7 builds.

I'd assume there are legal problems (although I'm not sure).  But if you have a working hsdis library just put it on you LD_LIBRARY_PATH.  It works with every build.

-- Christian

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