Fwd: [asm] toward ASM 4.0

Rémi Forax forax at univ-mlv.fr
Thu Aug 11 11:21:16 PDT 2011

A message from our glorious ASM leader.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	[asm] toward ASM 4.0
Date: 	Thu, 11 Aug 2011 17:45:20 +0200
From: 	Eric Bruneton <ebruneton at free.fr>
To: 	asm at ow2.org <asm at ow2.org>


we are about to release ASM 4.0. Compared to ASM 4.0 RC1, we mostly
renamed the package from org.objectweb.asm to org.ow2.asm, and we
renamed two classes (MethodHandle to Handle, and MethodType to Type). If
you are already using ASM 4.0 RC1, we invite you to test the code in SVN
HEAD before we release it as "ASM 4.0" in a few weeks (so that we can
fix remaining bugs, if any).


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