Fwd: [asm] toward ASM 4.0

Rémi Forax forax at univ-mlv.fr
Wed Aug 17 14:03:06 PDT 2011

On 08/17/2011 08:12 PM, MacGregor, Duncan (GE Energy) wrote:
> Since Remi hasn't replied (or it hasn't reached my mailbox if he has). 
> Yes, MethodType is now merged with Type, and MethodHandle is now 
> Handle, which makes everything much more readable. You will however 
> have to make sure you've changed everything from org.objectweb to org.ow2.
> One problem I have found is that in changing 
> ClassWriter.getCommonSuperClass() to not call initialisation code 
> they've limited it to classes loaded by the bootstrap ClassLoader. 
> I'll try and talk with them about this on the ASM list just as soon as 
> I can get it to send me a subscription mail. Although in our case it 
> was easy to fix the problem by specifying the system ClassLoader I'm 
> not sure if it should be that or ClassWriter's ClassLoader (they're 
> unlikely to be different, but could be in theory).

Hi Duncan,
You can talk to me :)
I'm the one that is responsible for this change, I will try to fix that

> Regards, Duncan.


> *From:*mlvm-dev-bounces at openjdk.java.net 
> [mailto:mlvm-dev-bounces at openjdk.java.net] *On Behalf Of *Mark Roos
> *Sent:* 11 August 2011 22:39
> *To:* Da Vinci Machine Project
> *Subject:* Re: Fwd: [asm] toward ASM 4.0
> Rémi,  A message from our glorious ASM leader.
> I seem to recall some discussion on the mentioned class names ( 
> MethodType and MethodHandle).
> I assume this means that asm no longer has these types? And thus I no 
> longer need the full class names
> for the java.lang versions?
> thanks
> mark
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