No Class Def Found again

Mark Roos mroos at
Wed Aug 17 17:47:02 PDT 2011

I am getting this error again but its not repeatable.  Can you give me any 
idea of how I might stress it to make a 
test case that happens all of the time?  Or is it nothing to worry about?

This is the stack trace.  This sequence is the main event handler in my 
user io stream so at this point it had run successfully
multiple times.  It also repeats now the same for any event I send.  But 
if I restart it could go quite awhile before it fails.


Using the OSX port jvm from google code,
will try windows as well.  OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 21.0-b17, mixed 
I believe its based on b147.

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: ri/core/rtalk/RtObject
        at java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle.invokeExact(
        at rtPbc.26.invoke(String riAsArrayOfSubstringsSepBy::11)
        at rtPbc.25.invoke(RtSystemMessage convertParameterToMap::7)
        at rtPbc.3.invoke(RtSystemMessage initializeFromBytes::47)
        at rtPbc.1.invoke(RiSystemMessageManager class receiveMessage::6)
        at ri.core.rtalk.RtCallSite.sendSmToRtalk(
        at ri.experiment2.TestSm$

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