Fwd: [asm] toward ASM 4.0

Rémi Forax forax at univ-mlv.fr
Thu Aug 18 07:36:50 PDT 2011

Hi Alexander,
the generic solution is to override getCommonSuperClass() to
provide the common super class of your type system (runtime or not).
The default implementation uses the reflection,
i.e the type system provided by the VM.

The issue raised by Duncan was just a bug introduced
by me when I was trying to avoid to force the linking of
the involved classes used by this resolution.
I just fuck up with the classloaders.


On 08/18/2011 04:15 PM, Alexander Turner wrote:
> Hi,
> It worries a little if everyone starts going over to using the system
> loader as this will badly break in systems like Eclipse and
> app-servers which require using non system loaders. I suspect we need
> a more general solution to this.
> Regards - AJ
> On 17 August 2011 21:46, Mark Roos<mroos at roos.com>  wrote:
>> Thanks Duncan,
>> you mentioned
>> One problem I have found is that in changing
>> ClassWriter.getCommonSuperClass() to not
>> call initialisation code they’ve limited it to classes loaded by the
>> bootstrap ClassLoader.
>> How did this show up in your code?  Did you have an explicit call or was it
>> incidental to just creating classes?
>> I think I am ok for now as I switched to using the standard class loader but
>> who know where we will end up.
>> thanks
>> mark
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