NoClassDefFoundError, more notes

Mark Roos mroos at
Thu Aug 18 20:19:35 PDT 2011

So it happens with Windows XP server and OSX server but not XP client.   I 
enabled the print compilation
and the only thing I see that is consistent is the 'made not entrant' on 
java.lang.Class::GetName.  This happens
the same for each time the error occurs but it happens after the error is 
thrown ( queue error is my catch).
Again this ran about 100+ times before the failure starts and then its 

 108585  337             ri.core.rtalk.RtPrimitives::primObjectIdentEquals 
(59 bytes)
 110268  338             rtPbc.70::block$1 (34 bytes)
 111578  339             rtPbc.20::invoke (71 bytes)
 117379  340             rtPbc.108::invoke (17 bytes)
 127706  341             rtPbc.107::invoke (322 bytes)
queue error error with SM  send
 128276  167             java.lang.Class::getName (21 bytes)   made not 
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: ri/core/rtalk/RtObject
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: ri/core/rtalk/RtObject
        at java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle.invokeExact(
        at java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle.invokeExact(
        at java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle.invokeExact(
        at rtPbc.107.invoke(IndexedCollection 
        at rtPbc.166.invoke(IndexedCollection ,:37)

I have not found a way yet to get it to occur from some test only from 
running lots of different user
interactions ( button clicks etc ).

Again any suggestions on what I could try to make it occur more often so I 
can get a test case?

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