Problem with 08/08 BSD port from Stephen, MLVM changes recently?

Tom Rodriguez tom.rodriguez at
Wed Aug 24 11:44:46 PDT 2011

I made one:

import java.lang.invoke.*;
import static java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles.*;
import static java.lang.invoke.MethodType.*;

public class RM implements Runnable {
    public static void main(String... args) throws Throwable {
        new Thread(new RM()).start();

    public static RM test() {
        return null;

    public void run() {
        try {
            MethodHandle m1 = MethodHandles.lookup().findStatic(RM.class, "test",  methodType(RM.class));
            RM v = (RM)m1.invokeExact();
        } catch (Throwable t) {

The problem is that make_invoke_method only does extra allocation when there are non-bcp methods on the stack and there's no ResourceMark above the run() method of a thread.  make_invoke_method just needs a ResourceMark.  I filed 7082949 for this.  Thanks for the report.


On Aug 24, 2011, at 10:54 AM, Mark Roos wrote:

> I do have a test case that repeats the resource mark error.   We are trying a new packaging so you should be able to run it 
> without an external connection. 
> Hopefully later today 
> mark_______________________________________________
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