plea for a Windows build

Chuck Remes cremes.devlist at
Sat Aug 27 13:17:33 PDT 2011

I'd like to help Charlie Nutter out with testing some of the new invokedynamic support for the JVM on Windows. I hear that the latest fixes (which folks on this list have produced) are *not* part of the openjdk repository and are stored elsewhere.

While researching the steps necessary to build the JVM for myself on Windows, I quickly saw that it was going to be beyond my capability in the short term. The Cygwin dependency isn't such a big deal, but many of the issues that cause the build to fail (having to do with freetype) seemed rather difficult to work around. Just doing a build of the normal openjdk code is difficult enough without also throwing external patches into the mix which may or may not apply cleanly.

So, I am hoping I can get help from someone on this list. I assume someone is building and testing on Windows. If they are willing to share their 32-bit and 64-bit builds with me, I am more than willing to run some of my "real world" Ruby code under JRuby and help Charlie vet the correctness and performance of the latest fixes. If such a build already exists and is publicly available, please point me to it (my google searches have been fruitless).

Please respond to me either here on the list or privately. Thank you.


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