RtalkTest examination

Mark Roos mroos at roos.com
Wed Aug 31 12:23:40 PDT 2011

Very interesting,  I see that I need a hint for the class/method name. ( 
it is the source file name but that doesn't print here)

getNIl/true and false are currently a probe into a hash map but should be 
a static var.  I can
see that it could get pretty large to inline.  There are some other 
objects as well that get used
a lot as constants shared between java and Rtalk.

The deep GWTs are rare normally but appear here due to a method like

        Object allSublclasses do:[ :o | o name].

There are about 140 classes so the name call site will have a GWT depth of 
and [] resolves to a java method like block$n.  You do see it a lot as I 
needed it to get
the class def not found error.

If you look at the depth list ( middle of the console print) you see all 
of sites with a depth > 2 and its
only a few out of the 1000.

I'll tweak the code and put up another example.

For tom would it be better if I had a test that had only a few GWTs per 


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