RtalkTest examination

Mark Roos mroos at roos.com
Wed Aug 31 14:23:53 PDT 2011

>From Tom
I got what I needed out of it but I think you might want to reconsider 
this structure.  Using GWT in a  chain that long isn't really going to 
perform that well, even if it does get compiled and inlined.

I have thought of that ( Charles coverts from GWT to vTable at 5 GWTs 
deep)  but its very rare to see more than 2 is real code so the pragmatic 
part of me
says lets see how often it shows up before I 'solve' it.

An interesting note is even though there are 140 GWTs they all point to 
the same methodHandle for the execution path.  This happens a lot due to 
class hierarchy where the code is shared even though the classes are 
different.  I have been looking at a solution to that as the real 
solution.  Effectively all
methods of Object are usually shared code.  So what I may want to do is 
test for the unique classes not the matching class.

Thanks, the insight on the isNil was very helpful

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