problem: fail to apply the patch [continue]
chen.xi at
chen.xi at
Mon Dec 12 09:17:08 PST 2011
I review the output message. I come to know what the error has come from.
In fact, when I did "make setup", some patches which had already been in the source rep was not popped at all. relative output is:
cd ../..; bash patches/make/ \
"hg qpop -a; hg qselect buildable testable" \
"$(uname -s | sed -n 's/Darwin/bsd-port/p')" \
"\$(bash `pwd`/patches/make/"
+ (cd sources/.; hg qpop -a; hg qselect buildable testable $(bash /home/xc1427/continuation_research/davinci.v1/patches/make/
no patches applied
+ (cd sources/hotspot; hg qpop -a; hg qselect buildable testable $(bash /home/xc1427/continuation_research/davinci.v1/patches/make/
abort: trying to pop unknown node daf841a4cc84
+ (cd sources/jdk; hg qpop -a; hg qselect buildable testable $(bash /home/xc1427/continuation_research/davinci.v1/patches/make/
abort: trying to pop unknown node f2029fe990b5
+ (cd sources/langtools; hg qpop -a; hg qselect buildable testable $(bash /home/xc1427/continuation_research/davinci.v1/patches/make/
abort: trying to pop unknown node 0001c23b2b4b
Therefore, at the point that I updated the source revision to conform to patches, CHANGES WAS MADE BEFORE ALL THE PATCHES HAS BEEN POPPED. So I got the error.
I think the causality is clear. Can anybody tell me how to pop all the patches ? (obviously qpop -a cannot do this....)
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