problem: fail to apply the patch [continue]

chen.xi at chen.xi at
Tue Dec 13 17:24:16 PST 2011

The Openjdk I fclone is hsx/hotspot-comp. I just followed the
instruction on mlvm wiki.

I tried the strip command as you said. But it did not help any more.
E.g., the hotspot patch requires revision is "d8cb48376797". Its first
descendant is "cec1757a0134". So I do "hg strip cec1757a0134" in
order to remove all the changeset before "d8cb48376797". But this  
command failed. Output message is:
mq status file refers to unknown node 4c9ea0147722
mq status file refers to unknown node daf841a4cc84
abort: unknown revision 'qtip'!

As showed above, message like "unknown node XXXX" appears again.
What's more, how does Mercurial know the revision 'qtip'? I searched all
the tags and there is no qtip.

So let's simplify my problem. We just focus the error at the very
beginning. Let's only do qpop for all the source repo.
xc1427 at xc1427-laptop:~/continuation_research/davinci.v1$ bash
patches/make/ hg qpop -a
+ (cd sources/.; hg qpop -a)
no patches applied
+ (cd sources/hotspot; hg qpop -a)
abort: trying to pop unknown node daf841a4cc84
*** Exit status 255.
+ (cd sources/jdk; hg qpop -a)
abort: trying to pop unknown node f2029fe990b5
*** Exit status 255.
+ (cd sources/langtools; hg qpop -a)
abort: trying to pop unknown node 0001c23b2b4b
*** Exit status 255.
Here is strange. Provided the source repo is clean, the expected
output should be *no patches applied*. So why does mq want to pop
*unknown node* ?

-- Chen

PS: why is the fclone command used to pull project as shown in the  
wiki, since the Forest Extension is not delivered with Mercurial any  
more ?

Christian Thalinger <christian.thalinger at> a écrit :

> On Dec 12, 2011, at 6:17 PM, chen.xi at wrote:
>> I review the output message. I come to know what the error has
come from.
>> In fact, when I did "make setup", some patches which had already  
>> been in the source rep was not popped at all. relative output is:
>> ---------------------------------
>> cd ../..; bash patches/make/ \
>>         "hg qpop -a; hg qselect buildable testable" \
>>             "$(uname -s | sed -n 's/Darwin/bsd-port/p')" \
>>             "\$(bash `pwd`/patches/make/"
>> + (cd sources/.; hg qpop -a; hg qselect buildable testable  $(bash

>> no patches applied
>> + (cd sources/hotspot; hg qpop -a; hg qselect buildable testable  $(bash
>> abort: trying to pop unknown node daf841a4cc84
>> + (cd sources/jdk; hg qpop -a; hg qselect buildable testable
>> abort: trying to pop unknown node f2029fe990b5
>> + (cd sources/langtools; hg qpop -a; hg qselect buildable testable

>> $(bash
>> abort: trying to pop unknown node 0001c23b2b4b
>> ---------------------------------
>> Therefore, at the point that I updated the source revision to  
>> conform to patches, changes was made before all the patches has
>> popped.  So I got the error.
>> I think the causality is clear. Can anybody tell me how to pop all

>> the patches ? (obviously qpop -a cannot do this....)
> What OpenJDK forest did you clone?  If qpop doesn't work you can  
> strip the changesets you don't want.
> -- Chris
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