How to filter results of a virtual method?

John Rose john.r.rose at
Thu Feb 3 21:39:53 PST 2011

I'm tardy getting to the main point of this, but here it is:

Thanks, Jim, for finding and diagnosing the bug in the MHs code.

And thanks, Kirill, for pointing out the tautological use of bindTo.

I'll push a fix and a unit test shortly.

I had to change at one point:

           //Object result = filteredGetter.invokeWithArguments();
           Object result = filteredGetter.invokeWithArguments(m);

-- John

On Jan 26, 2011, at 9:17 AM, Jim Laskey wrote:

> <>
> Is there a way to filter the result of a virtual method?  Seems okay for statics, but receiver runs interference on virtual calls.

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