another Mac OS X mlvm build

John Rose john.r.rose at
Tue Feb 8 01:14:32 PST 2011

On Feb 7, 2011, at 11:55 AM, Attila Szegedi wrote:

> That indeed works - thanks for the hep Rémi!
> FWIW, I'm updating my dynamic linker framework library to work with this version of MLVM; I got everything to compile after some nontrivial amount of work (Linkage went away, for one thing :-) ) and was stumped on this for running my test suite. Now that's eliminated, I hope I'll be able to roll out a new version of the library soon.

Wow, that's great, Attila.  I hope the package name change will be an easier step.

I pushed patches to fix the bug you found with

The delicate initialization ordering will get more robust when we move everything into one package.

-- John

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