MethodHandle.invoke* should only work with source 1.7

Maurizio Cimadamore maurizio.cimadamore at
Thu Feb 10 03:33:39 PST 2011

On 10/02/11 10:20, Rémi Forax wrote:
> I've noticed that javac allows to use MethodHandle.invokeExact() or
> MethodHandle.invokeGeneric if the source version is 1.6
> It's not a good idea because you can't use a real 1.6 javac to compile 
> these methods.
> Rémi
Well, yes and no. Javac allows such calls with -source 6 but won't apply 
any of the 292 magic - that is, the behavior you will get will be the 
same as if you compile the code with a real javac compiler - 
@PolymorphicSignature will be ignored and no extra bytecode info will be 


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