Projects, which use JSR292

Kirill Shirokov kirill.shirokov at
Tue Feb 15 06:50:46 PST 2011

Hi All,

Oracle will make an one-day conference called "Java Tech Day" in St. Petersburg, Russia. There will be a section called "ask the experts" for a number of JDK7 features including JSR 292. I'm asked to be a live emulator of JSR292 expert there.

I expect that people will ask about "real" projects where JSR292 is used, so I'm trying to gather information about these projects on this list.

So far, I have heard of:

- JRuby by Charles Oliver Nutter
- PHP.reboot by Remi Forax
- Smalltalk implementation by Mark Roos (in progress)

Sorry, if I missed somebody.

And the main question to early adopters: is JSR292 really helping you: simplifies and clarifies your code, do you expect performance improvements over the "old" code as soon as this will be addressed in HotSpot?

Thank you!

Best regards,

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