Projects, which use JSR292

Jochen Theodorou blackdrag at
Wed Feb 16 02:14:50 PST 2011

Am 15.02.2011 18:02, schrieb John Rose:
>> We would in fact need a InstanceValue,
> This is hard, and probably amounts to a change-class operator.  I
> suppose you need this for arbitrary pre-existing objects from
> non-cooperating classes?


>> but it will help already avoiding some big internal structures,
>> that tend to cause problems.
> You mean the Class to metaclass mapping, right?  This is the main
> purpose (but not only purpose) for ClassValue.

I mean the Class to per class metaclass mapping, yes.. But we think also 
of a Class to per instance metaclass mapping. Instead of having a direct 
value we would have another map in which we have the instances of that 
class that do have a per instance meta class. That is better than the 
system wide approach we have atm I think.

>> As for performance... I think it can help here if the inlining
>> really works.
> Yes.  We can make inlining work "in the lab" right now, but the goal
> is to make it work from the beginning in a customer application.

especially it should be made work without needing to increase the inline 
cache sizes ;)

bye Jochen

Jochen "blackdrag" Theodorou
The Groovy Project Tech Lead
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