Projects, which use JSR292

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Wed Feb 16 09:10:33 PST 2011

Le 15 févr. 2011 à 18:13, John Rose a écrit :

> On Feb 15, 2011, at 6:50 AM, Kirill Shirokov wrote:
>> - JRuby by Charles Oliver Nutter
>> - PHP.reboot by Remi Forax
>> - Smalltalk implementation by Mark Roos (in progress)
> I think this recent thread is about an OCaml implementation by Xavier Clerc:

Indeed. The last released version is for JDK 1.6 and has enormous performances
problems (mainly due to memory model). Anyway, versions 1.x of OCaml-Java has
always been seen by me a proofs of concept.

For some time, I have been working on version 2.0 that will target JDK7.
It currently uses MethodHandles, but not the "invokedynamic" mechanism.
It should remain the same, as can be read from the aforementioned thread.
Using MethodHandles greatly simplifies and accelerates code (whether
interpreted or compiled).

To the original poster, the implementation of OCaml (*) on the JVM may be
interesting to notice because it is a statically-typed language. And no, Java
folks, a language with runtime casts is *not* statically-typed... just joking.

Kind regards,

Xavier Clerc


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