heads up: package name change coming

John Rose john.r.rose at oracle.com
Fri Jan 7 01:59:49 PST 2011

The home package for JSR 292 is likely to change soon from "java.dyn" to "java.lang.mh" (or a similar name).

The name "java.dyn" was chosen several years ago, long before method handles or Project Lambda.  Our JDK7 architecture and future plans have changed enough to warrant moving the content of JSR 292 in the package structure so that it is on a par with modules like java.lang.reflect.

This will mean a large one-time change to all package names in test suites, examples, etc.

Current drafts of the API (as extracted from the mlvm patch repository) may always be previewed here:

The present draft uses the package name "java.dyn".  The next draft from the JSR 292 EG will reflect the package name change.  The name changes currently under development may be observed in the mlvm patch repository:

-- John

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