failures running jdk/test/java/dyn tests

Stephen Bannasch stephen.bannasch at
Tue Jan 11 18:37:58 PST 2011

At 5:48 PM -0800 1/11/11, John Rose wrote:
>On Jan 11, 2011, at 3:26 PM, Stephen Bannasch wrote:
>> I'm trying to run the four dyn tests in jdk/test/java/dyn for my mlvm build using jtreg v4.1 and I'm failing 3 out of 4 -- I
>> assume these tests should pass?
>> I'd like to run a small subset of tests whenever I have what appears to a successful build to confirm that the mlvm
>> functionality is working correctly.
>> Perhaps I am running them incorrectly??  Can I run these tests via jtreg?
>You can run with jtreg directly like this:
>  $ jtreg -jdk:$JAVA7X_HOME test/java/dyn/
>  $ jtreg -jdk:$JAVA7X_HOME test/java/dyn/
>...and so on.

Do the java/dyn/ tests pass on your build?

What is $JAVA7X_HOME defined as?

I don't have JAVA7X_HOME defined but I think I should get the same effect using this option:


That's where the build is generated and looks like this:

  $ ls -l build/bsd-amd64/j2sdk-imagetotal 27104
  -r--r--r--   1 stephen  staff      1503 Jan 11 18:12 ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION
  -r--r--r--   1 stephen  staff     19241 Jan 11 18:12 LICENSE
  -r--r--r--   1 stephen  staff    127498 Jan 11 18:12 THIRD_PARTY_README
  drwxr-xr-x  40 stephen  staff      1360 Jan 11 18:12 bin
  drwxr-xr-x  10 stephen  staff       340 Jan 11 18:13 demo
  drwxr-xr-x   9 stephen  staff       306 Jan 11 18:13 include
  drwxr-xr-x   7 stephen  staff       238 Jan 11 18:12 jre
  drwxr-xr-x   9 stephen  staff       306 Jan 11 18:13 lib
  drwxr-xr-x   4 stephen  staff       136 Jan 11 18:13 man
  drwxr-xr-x   6 stephen  staff       204 Jan 11 18:13 sample
  -rw-r--r--   1 stephen  staff  13721444 Jan 11 18:13

I've also tried using this option instead which should just use the new build for running the tests themselves and use whateveris the system Java for running jtreg:


However I get the errors.

Doesn't jtreg also need to send these options to the jvm it is testing:

  -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+EnableInvokeDynamic

>Sometimes, when working with an incremental rebuild of the jdk stuff I do it this way:
>  $ jtreg -vmoption:-Xbootclasspath/p:$DAVINCI/patches/netbeans/meth/dist/meth.jar -jdk:$JAVA7X_HOME test/java/dyn

I haven't been using netbeans and don't have the following directory:


Is that created with netbeans? Are you using netbeans to compile and test mlvm?

>The makefile runs jtreg in a similar way.
>> fyi: I am building using these guards:
>>   export davinci=$(pwd) guards="buildable testable /coro"
>My first suspicion is a conflict between patches.  Maybe meth-conv-6939861.patch is bit-rotted.

The following patches are applied with the guards I am using:

  applying indy-bsm-7001379.patch
  applying meth.patch
  patch meth.patch is empty
  applying meth-conv-6939861.patch
  applying indy-notrans-6981791.patch
  now at: indy-notrans-6981791.patch

  applying meth-ing-6939224.patch
  applying meth-api-6981777.patch
  applying meth-edrfix-6979327.patch
  applying indy-bsm-7001379.patch
  applying indy-test-7001423.patch
  applying meth-api-7001424.patch
  applying meth.patch
  applying meth.test.patch
  skipping meth-rename.patch - guarded by '-buildable'
  applying meth-conv-6939861.patch
  applying indy.patch
  patch indy.patch is empty
  now at: indy.patch

  applying meth.patch
  patch meth.patch is empty

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