failures running jdk/test/java/dyn tests

Stephen Bannasch stephen.bannasch at
Tue Jan 11 19:07:38 PST 2011

At 6:22 PM -0800 1/11/11, John Rose wrote:
>Also, I have just pushed an update to the series files for hotspot and jdk patch repos, to exclude patches that are not yet needed and may have bit-rotted.

Thanks John,

That fixed the problem for all the failing tests in jdk/test/java/dyn.

I'm not clear why but I don't need to pass in the following options to run the dyn tests successfully: -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+EnableInvokeDynamic

[sources]$ jtreg -jdk:build/bsd-amd64/j2sdk-image  -v:summary jdk/test/java/dyn
Passed: java/dyn/
Passed: java/dyn/
Passed: java/dyn/
Passed: java/dyn/
Passed: java/dyn/
Test results: passed: 5
Report written to JTreport/html/report.html
Results written to /Users/stephen/dev/java/src/mlvm/sources/JTwork

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