where are our performance bottlenecks?

Mark Roos mroos at roos.com
Tue Jul 5 10:16:25 PDT 2011

Christian wants work
        Now that we are done with 7 I'm looking into performance issues we 

My first one is the example Hanoi I sent you 

On Oscar's windows machine using invoke dynamic it takes 1 second, on 
yours 300ms.

But on 
        oscar's in pure java the same code is  1.6ms
        on my native Smalltalk its 10ms

The code is a simple recursion.

testHanoiMove: numberOfDisks from: source to: dest temp: temp
   "<modified:sys=GAKRE8CA,time=06/28/11 at 04:39:33 pm>   "
        numberOfDisks == 1 ifTrue: [^self].
                testHanoiMove: numberOfDisks - 1 from: source to: temp 
temp: dest;
                testHanoiMove: numberOfDisks - 1 from: temp to: dest temp: 

If you look in the directory you ran the test case in there should be a 
.class file which is the generated
java byte codes.

I am leaning to an error on my side as its so large but another set of 
eyes always helps


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