MethodHandles.constant not inlining?

Charles Oliver Nutter headius at
Tue Jun 7 15:38:03 PDT 2011

I'm adding more invokedynamic-based cache logic for lazily-initialized
Ruby literals. Rather than construct all literals on script load, we
have been initializing them lazily as they are first encountered. In
stock JRuby, this involves pinging a per-script array and constructing
and inserting the literal object into that array if it does not
already exist. Subsequent hits just get the array-stored value.

With invokedynamic, I am binding the literals directly into the call
site, either using a ConstantCallSite or using a MutableCallSite
rebound on first call to a MethodHandles.constant value.

This is working great, and for example a literal regexp goes from this bytecode:

   ALOAD 0
    ALOAD 1
    ALOAD 0
    INVOKEVIRTUAL ruby/__dash_e__.getByteList0 ()Lorg/jruby/util/ByteList;
    LDC 512
    INVOKEVIRTUAL ruby/__dash_e__.getRegexp0

To this bytecode:

    ALOAD 1
(6), "foo", "ASCII-8BIT", 512]

And of course after the first call, there's no overhead other than
traversing the MutableCallSite and a dropArguments handle. Quite
slick, and especially interesting since it improves inlining budgeting
and bytecode size substantially (since it cuts out the extra
args/calls and the test + load from that per-script array).

So I figured I'd check assembly output, and I was surprised to see a
callq right where I expect to see the literal. Are
MethodHandle.constant handles not inlined right now?

Here's the assembly that results in the relevant location from a
script like "def foo; 1; end; 100_000.times { foo }":

Some logic at the beginning and end is the invokedynamic of "foo"
inlined properly, but right smack in the middle is a callq where I
would expect to see the literal bound.

In this case, the bootstrap produces a MutableCallSite pointing at a
first-time initFixnum method. That method rebinds the call site with a
MethodHandles.constant containing the lazily-initialized RubyFixnum
object. The whole chain after the first call ends up looking like

MutableCallSite => dropArgments => constant

I'm surprised to see a callq here at all. Thoughts on why?

- Charlie

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