Anyone know if JVMTI is Keeping up with JSR292?

Tom Rodriguez tom.rodriguez at
Thu Jun 30 13:32:40 PDT 2011

I think you are seeing 6990212.  Breakpoints should work fine but single stepping requires some machinery in the interpreter to make sure that we never jump into compiled code but the method handle path has doesn't have that code.  Method entry events use the same machinery.  If you want to try out a preliminary patch for this, grab I'd appreciate any feedback since I'm unsure how good the coverage of our internal tests are for this.


On Jun 28, 2011, at 5:03 PM, Mark Roos wrote:

> I am using jvmti along with jdi to build a debugger for our Smalltalk on 292 implementation. 
> Most of it works but when I do stepping it hangs when it gets to one of my methods.  Either due 
> to the invokeDynamic instruction or perhaps due to it being in an Anonymous class.  Stack frames 
> look correct.  And I can query stact vars just fine.  Method entry events also fail. 
> Any advice is welcome 
> thanks 
> mark_______________________________________________
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